What is a Heinz Bet?

The Heinz bet takes its name from the Heinz Company who adopted the slogan '57 varieties' (all will make sense shortly) and hence why it may also be referred to as a ‘Heinz 57' bet.

A Heinz bet is a wager on 6 selections taking part in different events and includes the following:

• 15 x Doubles
• 20 x Trebles
• 15 x 4 - Folds
• 6 x 5 - Folds
• 1 x 6 - Fold Accumulator.

A minimum of 2 selections must win for a Heinz to generate a return.

With the Heinz bet explained, it may also help to think of it as an accumulator bet, only with more chances to see a return on your money!

If you have six winning selections, the six-fold accumulator is the centerpiece of this bet that will earn you the biggest percentage of your overall winnings. However, every step you take closer to that combination, i.e. three, four, or five winning selections, means you are already building up some payouts.

The initial stake is greater in this bet than an accumulator, but crucially, if only one or two selections let you down, you will still be seeing some returns on your money. Let’s take a Heinz bet example to illustrate further how you might use this bet.

If you have six selections in different events that you think will win, a Heinz is an alternative to an accumulator that offers you some return even if only two picks win. However, you will likely need more than two winners to begin making a profit.

The more winners you have among your six selections, the more of the doubles, trebles, four-folds and five-folds become winning bets, increasing your payout in big jumps.

Placing a Heinz is far more convenient than making all the bets involved yourself one by one.

The cost of a Heinz bet can only be the amount placed x 57 accumulators/combinations.

For example, if you want your stake to be $100, the minimum amount taken from your account is $5700.

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