I am unable to reset my password on my Android device. What can I do?

Resetting your password is a straightforward process, although sometimes it may occur that you cannot access the link sent via email. Once you press on it, instead of a page opening and allowing you to reset the password, the Betano application may open without being guided to the reset page.

How can you solve that? This has to do with personal settings on your mobile device, and sorting them out is quite simple. For this purpose, we offer you 2 options:
1. Uninstall the Betano application from your device. Then press the reset link in blue received via email from our system and move on with the necessary steps indicated on the screen. As soon as your password has been successfully changed, you may reinstall the application and log in to your account with the newly created password.
2. Or you can accommodate the settings on your phone by accessing:
• your phone ”Settings”
• find and press the ”Applications” section
• there you will find all the applications installed on your phone ordered alphabetically; find and press Betano
• press "Application settings"
• then tap on "Default setting"/ "Set as default"
• press "Go to supported URLs" and choose "Open in a different app" or "Always ask"
Once you've done and saved this, go back to the email received from us for resetting your password, press the blue link, choose to open it in a browser and continue with resetting your password.

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